We are mainly responsible for the journal Philosophy of AI, which is published by the Society for the Philosophy of Artificial Intelligence and founded by PAIR members.
Editors-in-chief: Guido Löhr, Vincent C. Müller.
Editorial assistant: Eleonora Catena.
- Catena, E., Tummolini, L., & Santucci, V. G. (2025). Human autonomy with AI in the loop. Philosophical Psychology, 1–28.
- Ashby, B. (forthcoming). Let sleeping dogs lie: Stereotype completion and the phenomenology of category recognition. Philosophical Studies.
- Dewey, A. R. (forthcoming). Anatomy’s role in mechanistic explanations of organism behaviour. Synthese.
- Dung, L., & Balg, D. (forthcoming). Right in the feels: Academic philosophy, disappointed students and the big questions of life. Teaching Philosophy.
- Kirchhoff, M., Kiverstein, J. and Robertson, I. (forthcoming): The Literalist Fallacy and the Free Energy Principle: Model-Building, Scientific Realism, and Instrumentalism, British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, 76
- Müller, V. C., Dewey, A. R., Dung, L., & Löhr, G. (eds.) (forthcoming), Philosophy of Artificial Intelligence: The State of the Art (Synthese Library, Berlin: SpringerNature).
- Robertson, I. (under contract). AI and Expertise. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Lundgren, B., Catena, E., Robertson, I. Hellrigel-Holderbaum, M., Jaja, I.R., & Dung, L. (2024). On the need for a Global AI ethics. Journal of Global Ethics (RJGE).
- Robertson, I. (2024). A Problem for Autonomous Know-How. Erkenntnis, 1-9.
- Robertson, I. G. (2024). In Defence of Radically Enactive Imagination. Thought: A Journal of Philosophy.
- Hutto, D. D., & Robertson, I. (2024). What Comes Naturally?: Relaxed Naturalism’s New Philosophy of Nature. In Naturalism and Its Challenges (pp. 19-35). Routledge.
- Balg, D., Bolte, L., Burkard, A., Constantin, J., Dung, L., Gottschalk, J., Gregor-Gehrmann, K., Guntermann, I., Schulz, K. (2024). “Ethische Fragen der Künstlichen Intelligenz” (Interview, Paper). Müller, Vincent C. (ed.), Göttingen: Philovernetzt.
- Caporuscio, C., Fink, S.B. (2024). Epistemic Risk Reduction in Psychedelic-Assisted Therapy. In: Current Topics in Behavioral Neurosciences. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg,
- Fink, S. B. (2024). On Acid Empiricism. In: The Palgrave Handbook of Philosophy and Psychoactive Drug Use (pp. 225-244). Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland.
- Andreotta, A.J., & Lundgren. B. (2024). Automated informed consent. Big Data & Society 11 (4),
- Lundgren, B., & Kudlek, K. (2024). What we owe (to) the present: Normative and practical challenges for strong longtermism. Futures 164,
- Dung, L., & Kersten, L. (2024). Implementing artificial consciousness. Mind & Language 40(1), 1–21.
- Dung, L. (2024). Is superintelligence necessarily moral? Analysis, anae033.
- Dung, L. (2024). The argument for near-term human disempowerment through AI. AI & Society.
- Dung, L. (2024). Evaluating approaches for reducing catastrophic risks from AI. AI and Ethics. s43681-024-00475-w
- Lundgren, B. (2024), There is No Scarcity Problem. Philosophy & Technology 37, 130.
- Fink, S. B. (2024). How-tests for consciousness and direct neurophenomenal structuralism. Frontiers in Psychology.
- de Weerd, C. R. (2024). A Credence-based Theory-heavy Approach to Non-human Consciousness. Synthese 203,5. DOI:10.1007/s11229-024-04539-6
- Dewey, A. R. (2024). Balancing the evidential scale for the mental unconscious [commentary]. Philosophical Psychology.
- Dung, L. (2024). Understanding artificial agency. The Philosophical Quarterly.
- Dung, L. (2024). Preserving the normative significance of sentience. Journal of Consciousness Studies, 31(1–2), 8–30.
- Lundgren, B. (2024). Is a Moral Right to Privacy Limited by Agents’ Lack of Epistemic Control? Logos & Episteme 15(1): 83-87.
- Lundgren, B. (2024). A new standard for accident simulations for self-driving vehicles: Can we use Waymo’s results from accident simulations? AI & Society39: 669–673.
- Lundgren, B. (2024). Undisruptable or stable concepts: Can we design concepts that can avoid conceptual disruption, normative critique, and counterexamples? Ethics and Information Technology.
- Müller, V. C., & Hähnel, M. (2024). Was ist, was kann, was soll KI? Ein philosophisches Gespräch. Hamburg: Felix Meiner.
- Porter, Ronald D./Shen, Minquian/Fabrigar, Leandre R./Seaboyer, Anthony (2024): Assessing Influence in Target Audiences that Won’t Say or Don’t Know How Much They Have Been Influenced. In: Éric Ouellet (Ed): Deterrence in the 21st Century: Statecraft in the information environment, University of Calgary Press, 36p. - Repantis, D., Koslowski, M. & Fink, S.B. (2024) Ethische Aspekte der Therapie mit Psychedelika. Psychotherapie 69, 115–121.
- Seaboyer, Anthony/Jolicoeur, Pierre (2024): L’intelligence artificielle russe comme outil de désinformation et de déception en Ukraine. In: Frédéric Côté et André Simonyi (Ed), Le Canada à l’aune du conflit en Ukraine, Québec. University of Laval Press. Link.
- Seaboyer, Anthony/Jolicoeur, Pierre (2024): The Evolution of China’s Information Exploitation of COVID-19. In: Éric Ouellet (Ed): Deterrence in the 21st Century: Statecraft in the information environment, University of Calgary Press, 28p. Link.
Dung, L. (2023). Tests of animal consciousness are tests of machine consciousness. Erkenntnis.
Dung, L. (2023). Current cases of AI misalignment and their implications for future risks. Synthese, 202(5), 138.
Dung, L. (2023). How to deal with risks of AI suffering. Inquiry.
- Hopster, J., Brey, P., Klenk, M., Löhr, G., Marchiori, S., Lundgren, B., Scharp, K. (2023). Conceptual Disruption and the Ethics of Technology. In van de Poel, I. et al. (eds.) Ethics of Socially Disruptive Technologies: An Introduction. Open Book Publishers, pp. 141–162.
- Lundgren, B. and Stefánsson, H. O. (2023). Can the normic de minimis decision theory save the de minimis principle? Erkenntnis.
- Lundgren, B. (2023). Ethical requirements for digital systems for contact tracing in pandemics: a solution to the contextual limits of ethical guidelines. In Macnish, K., Henschke, A. (eds.) The Ethics of Surveillance in Times of Emergency. Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 169–185.
- Lundgren, B. (2023). Should we allow for the possibility of unexercised abilities? A new route to rejecting the poss-ability principle. Inquiry.
- Lundgren, B. (2023). Is lack of literature engagement a reason for rejecting a paper in philosophy? Res Publica.
- Lundgren, B. (2023). Two notes on Axiological Futurism: The importance of disagreement and methodological implications for value theory. Futures 147, 103120.
- Lundgren, B. (2023). In defense of ethical guidelines. AI & Ethics 3: 1013–1020.
- Lundgren, B. (2023). An unrealistic and undesirable alternative to the right to be forgotten. Telecommunications Policy 47(1): 102446.
Robertson, I. (2023) The unbearable rightness of seeing? Conceptualism, enactivism, and skilled engagement. Synthese 202, 173 .